I was think of getting brown highlights on my thick wavy black hair, but if I get them will it make my hair more poufy frizzy and wavy? Will I get really bad spilt ends? I was thinking of getting highlights only once then not getting them again.
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
i did highlights once..NO MORE! yes it did damage my hair. it took a while to get rid of the crap out of my hair. try getting extensions instead.Yes, highlights were done by a professional.
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
If you are only getting them once, then it probably won't damage your hair that much. I've gotten highlights twice and it doesn't seem to have changed my hair at all.
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
no it wont damage .. but HA if your getting it only done once .. U Will Have Roots !!!!! ... Thats Silly .. If your going to get it done keep doin it
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
If you get good quality ones, they shouldn't do anything bad to your hair. If you're really concerned though, you should talk to a professional hair-dresser.
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
It wont damage your hair if you just get then once , but honestly a brown over black hair is called a low light , and you would really be waisting your money as you wont really see them , if your only going to get them the once maybe go for a red colour instead , this will give your hair allot more shine . and after a while will start to fade so you wont be left with the ugly looking roots.
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
I did the same thing to my hair about two months ago.I was really scared but my hair has so much growth that I really loved it,make sure that they do a deep treatment before they put in the highlights.
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
You're delima does not have one solid good answer. It has many answers LoL
Here's the deal. Using color to highlight just a couple shades lighter brown then your natural black is not going to cause some outrageous damage... but it's also not going to show up very well. Natural black has a way of hanging in there and not going enough shades lighter.
That being said, all color requires maintenance. If you leave it alone until it grows out it will begin to "oxidize". If you remember the commercials about OxyClean, then you will understand that oxygen in high doses will cause a "bleaching" effect. NO the color won't bleach your hair, but it will fade and fade and fade if left unmaintained and give the appearance eventually that you lightened your hair.
So I hope this helped!!
Good Luck!!
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
the ONLY way you can do this is via bleach (no haircolour on earth can lighten black hair) most otc colours are formulated for naturally blonde hair so all this will do is to proceed to make you darker so you will need to bleach. i suggest you do a strand test first to see how long you need to leave the bleach on for before it reaches the desired shade, some SO-CALLED hairdressers really don't know what they are talking about and actually aren't thoroughly trained in the chemistry side of hair. you may end up with an undesired shade though after bleaching which will then require a light brown toner to take you to the shade you are after (i say light brown because once hair is bleached it tends to become more porous as you are stripping out the natural pigment in the hair shaft so will "grab" onto colour making it turn out 2 shades darker so remember to choose a colour 2 shades lighter than the shade you require. it is a pain but this is truly the ONLY way to lighten black hair.
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
Surprisingly it will make your hair healthier. It will give you alot of body. I really recommend highlights or low lights it will make your hair look uber healthy and shiny... :)
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
well u will end up wid split ends becoz every girl does and oncwe u die ur hair it does ruin the touch of it n the naturall ness but it cant halm it x
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
Rather let your hair grow out and then cut and then highlight it again.
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
my hair is black and i wanted lighter streaks. they have to use bleach because nothing else will get rid of the black. mine went almost white! i was so annoyed!! the longer they leave the bleach on the more damage it does. when i came out i went and bought a dark brown die to cover the mess they made!!
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
If your hair is black, you most likely will have to have your highlights bleached before the brown color is done because your hair is at the darkest stage being black.
Get a clear glossing Cellophane kind of product done afterwards on your hair to ensure that you will have shine and minimal frizz.
Also, be sure to get your hair regularly trimmed, that way, it will stay fresh looking.
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
yes but brown highlights will not do so much damage, as long as you look after your hair with a good shampoo and conditioner it will not do much harm, also tr to get dyes that are more plant baised if doing it yourself! If not ask at the hair dressers if it is a good hairdressers they will care about there products as much as there capability ! so they will be able to tell you whats in the dye and also help you decide what is best for your hair type ! Go for a consultation first !
Have a great day.
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
Not Really But Repeatedly Yes, Long As You Take Care Of The New Style You Shouldn't Have A Problem, Its When You Don't Take Care Of Your Hair That You Need To Worry.. If Its Highlights You Want Then Go For It, Just Get It Professionally Done And Go To The Salon Often To Keep It Up..
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
Sugar FootWear http://www.lake-shore.co.uk/
Can you get highlights once and damage your hair?
i dont think once is enough to damage it
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