Monday, July 27, 2009

What kind of highlights should i get?? blonde/really light brown hair fair skin blue/green eyes?

i have a blonde/really light brwon hair color, blue/green eyes and fair skin. i dont want anything crazy like blue or green but i want it to look good for school!!!!!! i need this before monday the 27nd! please and thank you!!!

What kind of highlights should i get?? blonde/really light brown hair fair skin blue/green eyes?

I know you probably don't want to hear this but....Your hair seems amazing already. My best friend has exactly your characteristic. We clipped in those dollar store hair extensions (they have all colors lol) to see what color highlight was best for her. Because her skin was so fair, the darker ones make her look pale. When we the light blond ones in she looked awesome! Try the dollar store thing lol it really helps.

What kind of highlights should i get?? blonde/really light brown hair fair skin blue/green eyes?

I have they same features as you do. I have had a lot of different colors the ones that I have liked the best is strawberry blond highlights, or a very light blonde high lights, Red high lights.

Right now I have black low lights and I actually love it! Its a good look for the fall!

What kind of highlights should i get?? blonde/really light brown hair fair skin blue/green eyes?

For the fall you should definitely go with low lights. I would suggest a few shades darker than your natural color. Talk to your stylist %26amp; see which color she recomends.

What kind of highlights should i get?? blonde/really light brown hair fair skin blue/green eyes?

blonde highlights probabally! very settle with your hair. you dont want like orange hair with brownhighlihgts. my sister got blonde highlights and she has browninish blonde hair and it looked really cute when she got blonde highlights.

For more: Google Images "Blonde Highlights"

best answer please????

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