Monday, July 27, 2009

How are highlights put into hair in the UK?

i heard about some weird hat thing being used but have no idea about it whatsoever. Can anyone help me out?


How are highlights put into hair in the UK?

Hi, the weird hat thing you've probably heard of is called a cap, its like a plastic flexible hat full of holes that can either be small or big depending on the size and amount of highlights you want, the hairdresser then uses like a big pin with a small hook on the end to "fish" the hair through the holes and the colour is applied to the hair on top of the cap,

below is a link where theres some more info on the cap and also a link where you can see what a cap looks like.

hope this is what your after!

How are highlights put into hair in the UK?

There are some expensive salons that have their own method for how they put in Highlights. But I have not heard of any weird type of ways. They do use foil or cap.

How are highlights put into hair in the UK?

If you have really short hair, they may just "paint" highlights right onto your hair with no cap. It's called Baylouge. Or sometimes if you want chunks in specific areas, they'll take sections of your hair put them into small ponytails/rubberbands, and color those.

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