Monday, July 27, 2009

Just had highlights and my hair has gone way to bright... anything i can do to tone it down? PLEASE

youll have to go back there and ask them to fix it. if anyone says to dye it a darker colour, it wont work. youll end up just looking worse

Just had highlights and my hair has gone way to bright... anything i can do to tone it down? PLEASE help!?

Aparently if you mix tomato sauce and cigarette ash together,paste it on your hair leave for a while and then wash off. It tones it down.

Just had highlights and my hair has gone way to bright... anything i can do to tone it down? PLEASE help!?

You're just growing your grey hair -- get used to it!

Just had highlights and my hair has gone way to bright... anything i can do to tone it down? PLEASE help!?

if you got blonde highlights,you can buy shampoo that can help take out the brassy/orange tones

Just had highlights and my hair has gone way to bright... anything i can do to tone it down? PLEASE help!?

If you pop into the supermarket or chemist you should find some shaders and tioners - they are brilliant to take the brassiness out of highlights - something ashy will combat any brightness - also if you have a sally store near you they may be able to advise you. They should calm dowqn after a few days but if not keep applying a toner to the hair which will gradually diminish the brightness and then use a calming shampoo for that colour

Just had highlights and my hair has gone way to bright... anything i can do to tone it down? PLEASE help!?

I have had a similar problem - the hairdresser will probably be hesitant to dye it/bleach it again but they will have some really good toners that will neutralise the colour, so going back should be your first option.

You can buy some really good silverising shampoos - they are violet in colour and due to the pigments in the shampoo these help to neutarlise brassy tones - they take longer to kick in than a toner but with quite regular use (but not everyday as it will cause a build up) these will get your hair to a nice platinum shade.

Don't know where you are but in the UK I would recommend Bluefrosting by Proclere, Bonacure silver shampoo or L'Oreal silver shampoo. They really do work and can be used after toning to keep your hair a lighter shade.

Good Luck!!!

Just had highlights and my hair has gone way to bright... anything i can do to tone it down? PLEASE help!?

try using toners you can buy them from any chemist or drug store or if that don,t work just go back to the salon they should fix it

Just had highlights and my hair has gone way to bright... anything i can do to tone it down? PLEASE help!?

OMG dont listen to the person telling you to put fag ash and tomato juice on your hair, it will go pink. the best thing to do is use aloe vera or cocunut oil(shampoo) or just go to the supermarjet and get a low light pack, this wil tone it right down and you could also get a different colour blonde streaks to add to nit which would tome it right doen


good luck, i hope it all works out x

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